BGX are internal League of Legends cheats and hacks made to make gameplay easier at every level. Thanks to many years of experience, we have created a new product that combines speed and reliability. BGX will let you get to know the game again. All subscriptions contain all of our features, including our brand new target selector, Semi Automatic Ability Casting, Auto QSS/Cleanse, Last Hit, flawless Kiting/Orbwalking, Auto Smite and many more or less extensive functionalities. Our scripts give you all the necessary tips, improve the mechanics of the game and make you more aware of dangerous situations!
Don't be surprised and show others how to carry games. Dominate your opponents and pull your team to victory.
The script allows you to do it perfectly without wasting any frames!
It predicts enemy movements and helps you land all of your skillshots!
It allows you to dodge all of the enemies skillshots no matter how good your enemies are!
These scripts perform champions combos automatically for you!
It gives you the ability to change the every skins in-game!
Zoomhack will allow you to zoom out further and see further away!